Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why Do People Hold Grudges?

All my life I've been surrounded by people who hold grudges.  Now the funny thing about this is that these "grudge" holders typically target loved ones, family members and friends.  I always ask myself why am I not able to hold a grudge.  Now don't get me wrong, I can get pissed off at people just as easy as I can let shit go.  I am human, but I guess I just have a higher tolerance for bull crap people let off.  I can't even remember the last time I was upset with someone for beyond 10-15 minutes at most.

I honestly rather spend my time and energy sharing pleasant times with others than bickering or having someone else make me mad and upset over something that is usually so petty and dumb anyway.  I really don't like to entertain madness and chaos.  Yes, I guess you could say I live in a fantasy world then. Right?  I'm tired of people telling me that I'm not realistic in my method to a happier life.  If I held a grudge against everyone that ever did something that I didn't agree with or pissed me off, then guess what... I would have no family, no friends and no one in my life.  

The problem with holding grudges is that your allowing your emotions (anger) take control of you.  Why allow your anger to consume your mind when you should just either change the circumstances causing that anger within your own life or remove yourself from the situation.  I guess some people just have better anger management skills then others.  Those who are blessed with the ability to deal with anger and control it tend to have healthier relationships and overall happier lives.

Grudge holders play the victim always and they do more harm than good by holding a grudge.  I have one word for you people... FORGIVENESS!  When you hold a grudge you hinder the other person to seek forgiveness.  Hey its your choice live a better life or hold grudges and ruin relationships by pushing people away.   And always remember if the world was forgiven then you can forgive thy neighbor! :)

1 comment:

  1. This is great Tia and so true! I feel some people have held grudges for so long they become trapped in this box. They have this grudge against a person from so long ago that it tends to effect relationships with others in many different aspects. Its sad because they tend to miss out on whats important. You're right it is very unhealthy and the person you have a grudge against could possibly care less. They are living their life and doing what makes them happy. On the other hand, you're miserable, unhappy, and angry all the time. Why? Whats the point? A lot of the time it was something minor and petty. I scream FORGIVENESS!!! Its a healthy thing. FORGIVENESS melts away and takes a load off of you. The reason most don't forgive is because of PRIDE! They are in fear of what the next person think and so forth. If most of us learn humility it would be easier to forgive.
